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Climate-Resilient Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (CR WASH) Activity

Photo credit: Organization for Welfare and Development in Action (OWDA)

Strengthen and expand access to sustainable, inclusive, and climate-resilient WASH services in Ethiopia’s lowlands

USAID’S CR WASH Activity in Ethiopia is a five-year initiative (2023–2028) focused on expanding access to improved water supply and sanitation for targeted areas of Ethiopia’s lowland regions, including Afar, Oromia, Somali, and South Ethiopia.  

Objectives of USAID’s CR WASH Activity in Ethiopia 

CR WASH aims to strengthen WASH services delivery and the enabling environment in the targeted lowland regions to: 

  • Reach 825,000 people with new or improved access to water services. 
  • Facilitate increased use of sanitation and hygiene products and services, including in menstrual health and hygiene. 
  • Strive towards women’s empowerment and leadership. 
  • Engage the private sector in the services delivery process. 
  • Enable more effective management and use of water and climate data in decision-making and long-term monitoring. 
  • Increase coherence between humanitarian, peacebuilding, and development WASH improvement efforts. 

Approach to Strengthening and Expanding Access to WASH Services in Ethiopia 

  • Professionalize and expand quality climate-resilient water services.  
  • Increase sustainable access to and use of sanitation and hygiene products and services.  
  •  Improve gender power dynamics.  
  • Use evidence-based decision-making to ensure the delivery of climate-resilient water and sanitation services. 

Learn more about RTI’s work in water, sanitation, and hygiene and in Ethiopia.