Harnessing the power of digital networks and tools to reach, engage, and inspire action
Our approach to executing digital campaigns is innovative, evidence-based, and nimble. We set ourselves apart by not relying solely on being well versed in the latest trends and best practices in digital marketing, but by also drawing on expertise in behavior change theory, social marketing principles, and a deep understanding of the audience derived from formative research. For every campaign, our team designs a tailored, digital communication and marketing plan, including actionable tactics such as social media ad placement, email marketing, and influencer engagement. In addition, our team provides the expertise to implement that plan through digital content strategy, social media content management, and multimedia production, including the development of videos, blog posts, quizzes, and podcasts.
Once a campaign launches, we know that being nimble is essential; we monitor the audience’s reactions and behaviors through analytics and adapt our tactics based on the latest advances in digital and social media platforms.

Project Highlight
Addressing Emerging Health Outbreaks
Responding to the Zika outbreak in Puerto Rico, we developed a comprehensive behavior change campaign aimed at protecting pregnant women from the virus. Campaign messages highlight specific actions pregnant women, their partners, family, friends, and community members can take to stop the spread of Zika. To reach the campaign’s key audiences, we used an integrated marketing approach involving broadcast, print, digital and social media, and community outreach.

Project Highlight
Co-Designing a Social Media Campaign with Youth, for Youth
We Think Twice is a campaign grounded in research and driven by teen voices. With the goal of making the campaign salient and engaging, We Think Twice has adopted a youth-centered design approach and developed the Creative Test Kitchen, where we partner with teens in person and online to create, incubate, and test ideas for campaign messages, content, and engagement strategies. To reach teens where they are — online — the campaign is engaging teens on YouTube and Instagram as well as on a campaign website, which includes interactive and gamified content developed and tested with teens.

Project Highlight
Supporting Healthcare Providers to Reduce New HIV Infections and Improve Health Outcomes
For more than 10 years, RTI has supported provider outreach campaigns for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Drawing on insights from exploratory research, we use an evidence-informed, theory-driven approach to design materials and resources for providers. We collect and analyze process metrics to continually track the performance of each activity and adjust strategy in response to the data. A sample of our engagement and outreach strategies includes partnering with Medscape to develop, accredit, and promote digital Continuing Medical Education (CME); conducting outreach via clinician-only social media platforms; and leveraging respected physician thought leaders as campaign influencers.

Project Highlight
Using Digital Storytelling to Promote Youth Voices
Youth Voices is a pioneering digital initiative that seeks to tell stories of the global youth unemployment crisis as they are seen, heard and felt by young people around the world. Whether their stories are shared in text, photos, video or audio, The Ground Truth Project, in partnership with RTI International, is putting those who are most affected at the center of the conversation about youth and the economy with an aim to reengineer the international community’s response to the jobs crisis.
Let’s work together to improve the human condition and create social impact by leveraging digital technology
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<em>We Think Twice</em>™: Digital Media Campaign Designed with Teens, for Teens
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