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Corporate Governance

Our governing structure comprises the members of the corporation, the board of governors, and the corporate officers.

The members of the corporation, representing Duke University and The University of North Carolina, meet annually as the nonprofit equivalent of stockholders. They elect the governors, who represent the business and scientific communities.

Our primary governing body is the board of governors, which formulates policy consistent with our mission to improve the human condition by turning knowledge into practice. The board meets at least bimonthly and consists of 17 governors who represent the 17 University of North Carolina institutions, Duke University, and the business and scientific communities.

Corporate officers are senior management team members who are accountable to the board for specific aspects of corporate governance and financial management.

Members of the Corporation

Peter Hans

Peter Hans

President, The University of North Carolina System

Vincent E. Price

Vincent E. Price

President, Duke University

Randall Ramsey

Randall Ramsey

Businessman, Representative of the Board, The University of North Carolina

Carmichael Roberts

Carmichael Roberts

Co-Founding & Managing Partner, Material Impact; Business Lead, Breakthrough Energy Ventures; Representative of the Board, Duke University

Board of Governors

Peter M. Scott III

Peter M. Scott III (Chair)

Former CFO, Progress Energy; Former President and CEO, Progress Energy Services Company

Hilda Pinnix-Ragland

Hilda Pinnix-Ragland (Vice-chair)

Former Energy Executive, Duke Energy; Managing Director, AHK Global Resources, LLC

Warwick Arden

Warwick Arden

Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost, North Carolina State University

Thomas F. Darden

Thomas F. Darden

President and Chief Executive Officer, Cherokee Investment Partners

Alec Gallimore

Alec Gallimore

Provost, Duke University

Franklin D. Gilliam Jr.

Chancellor, University of North Carolina Greensboro

Penny Gordon-Larsen

Penny Gordon-Larsen

Vice Chancellor for Research University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Peter Lange 2022

Peter Lange

Thomas A. Langford University Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Public Policy and Provost Emeritus, Duke University

Jennifer Lodge, Vice President for Research & Innovation, Duke University

Jennifer Lodge

Vice President for Research & Innovation, Duke University

Harold L. Martin Sr.

Harold L. Martin Sr.

The University of North Carolina System

W.G. Champion Mitchell

W.G. Champion Mitchell

Former CEO, Network Solutions

John H. Moellering

John H. Moellering

Chairman Emeritus, USAA

C. Howard Nye

Chairman of the Board, CEO & President Martin Marietta Materials, Inc.

Meg Booth Powell

Founder & CEO 501 Ventures, LLC

Christy Shaffer

General Partner, Hatteras Venture Partners

Headshot of Toddi Steelman with her smiling outside

Toddi Steelman

Vice President / Vice Provost for Climate & Sustainability, Duke University