About RTI Press
RTI Press is a global publisher of peer-reviewed, open-access books, reports, and briefs. We publish on a broad range of topics reflecting RTI’s objective and multidisciplinary approach - one that integrates expertise across social, statistical, data, and laboratory sciences, engineering, and other technical disciplines to solve the world's most challenging problems. Our publications inform national and international research, scientific discussions, and policy debates. RTI International funds RTI Press as a means of sharing research and practical knowledge to improve the human condition.
RTI Press publishes Research Briefs (ISSN 2378-7929), Policy Briefs (ISSN 2378-7937), Research Reports (ISSN 2378-7902), Methods Reports (ISSN 2378-7813), Occasional Papers (ISSN 2378-7996), Conference Proceedings (ISSN 2690-0343), and books.
For questions about RTI Press policies and potential submissions, contact Anna Wetterberg, Director, rtipress@rti.org.
Open Access
RTI Press is a Diamond Open Access publisher; neither authors nor readers pay for our publications. RTI Press (i.e., RTI International) copyrights all sole-published publications and makes them available as free downloads under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Books can also be purchased as hard copy editions. More information is available in our Open Access Policy. Digital preservation is ensured through Portico, the Carolina Digital Repository, and the Directory of Open Access Books. Versions and other metadata are updated via Crossmark. RTI Press is a member of OASPA and a signatory to the SDG Publishers Compact.
Preprints are scientific manuscripts uploaded by authors to a public server without formal peer review (Berg, J.M. et al. Preprints for the life sciences. Science 352, 899–901; 2016). Authors can share their preprint anywhere at any time. RTI Press will consider submissions that have been previously made available as preprints, as long as authors retain copyright of those preprints. If their submission to RTI Press is accepted, authors are responsible for updating any preprints with a link to the final publication. If provided necessary information by the authors, RTI Press may opt to link to the preprint.
Peer Review
Manuscripts submitted to RTI Press are subject to single-anonymous peer review. Books and reports require two reviews, whereas briefs only need one review. We encourage reviews by experts from outside RTI and require at least one external reviewer for each manuscript. When RTI experts are invited to peer review, they are carefully selected to ensure impartiality and avoid conflicts of interest. Editorial decisions informed by peer reviewers’ recommendations are made independently by an associate editor assigned to each manuscript. Associate editors are selected from the RTI Press Editorial Board.

To thank our peer reviewers, we plant a tree for each review received.
Trees planted
Governance of RTI Press rests with the Executive Committee which has up to 10 members, including representatives from each RTI business unit and the RTI Press Director. The Executive Committee provides strategic direction to RTI Press by setting and monitoring implementation of editorial policies. One member of the Executive Committee serves as Editor-in-Chief and one as Deputy Editor-in-Chief. These two roles are designated Executive Editors. The Executive Editors both serve single 2-year terms but can continue to serve as Executive Committee and/or Editorial Board members.
Editorial Board members act as Associate Editors, managing the peer review process for submitted manuscripts and making publication decisions based on the scientific quality of manuscripts. Terms for Editorial Board members are staggered, with about half rotating off or agreeing to serve another term every 2 years. Unless otherwise indicated, members are affiliated with RTI International.
RTI Press Executive Committee
Cynthia Bland, Deputy Editor in Chief
Marcus Berzofsky, Member
Derick Brinkerhoff, Member Emeritus
Elizabeth Glennie, Member
James Harrington, Member
Kathleen Lohr, Member Emerita
Lissette Saavedra, Member
Brian Southwell, Member
Dorota Temple, Member
Meera Viswanathan, Member
Ina Wallace, Member Emerita
RTI Press Editorial Board
RTI Press is a U.S. registered trademark of Research Triangle Institute.