Applying the right survey tools for each project and client need, including sensitive topics and behaviors
We support all modes of survey data collection — face-to-face, phone, web, mail, and video-based interviewing. We employ computer-assisted methodologies and evolving mobile technologies to adapt to different situations, enhance participation rates, and control costs. This includes utilizing mixed-mode designs when appropriate.
Because clients often trust us to explore complex social issues, we have developed the knowledge, skills, and processes to collect and handle data on sensitive topics and behaviors, including child abuse and neglect, victimization, sexual activity, mental health, drug use, and HIV risk behaviors. We create comprehensive data collection procedures and staff our projects with highly-trained interviewers, drawing on our geographically distributed national network of field data collection specialists. More recently, we have expanded our capability to conduct interviewer-administered interviews by video, a more cost-efficient approach that maintains many of the benefits of in-person interviewing.