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Search Results


Reaching out to Europe – Cochrane Public Health Europe and its research agenda

January 01, 2016

Average effect estimates remain similar as evidence evolves from single trials to high-quality bodies of evidence: A meta-epidemiologic study

January 01, 2016

Comparative benefits and harms of second generation antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapies in initial treatment of major depressive disorder: systematic review and meta-analysis

December 08, 2015

Nonpharmacological Versus Pharmacological Treatments for Adult Patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 161.

December 01, 2015

Melatonin and agomelatine for preventing seasonal affective disorder

November 11, 2015

Psychological therapies for preventing seasonal affective disorder

November 11, 2015

Second-generation antidepressants for preventing seasonal affective disorder in adults

November 08, 2015

Grading the strength of a body of evidence when assessing health care interventions: an EPC update

November 01, 2015

Light therapy for preventing seasonal affective disorder

November 01, 2015

How effective are common medications: a perspective based on meta-analyses of major drugs

October 02, 2015

Socioeconomic inequalities in non-communicable diseases and their risk factors: An overview of systematic reviews

September 01, 2015

Assessing the predictive validity of strength of evidence grades: A meta-epidemiological study, research white paper.

September 01, 2015

Leitlinienentwicklung: von der Evidenz zu Empfehlungen Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen aus Sicht der MethodikerInnen [Guideline development: Going from evidence to recommendations. Challenges and opportunities--a methodologist's view]

July 26, 2015

Inadequate use and regulation of interventions against publication bias decreases their effectiveness: a systematic review

July 01, 2015

Grades for quality of evidence were associated with distinct likelihoods that treatment effects will remain stable

May 01, 2015

Comparison of Effects as Evidence Evolves From Single Trials to High-Quality Bodies of Evidence

March 01, 2015

How effective are common medications: a perspective based on meta-analysis of major drugs

February 01, 2015

Sex-specific differences in diabetes prevention: A systematic review and meta-analysis

February 01, 2015