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This final report describes the activities and accomplishments of the Multi-sector Alliances Program (Alianzas), awarded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) under Cooperative Agreement (CA) No. 520-A-00-10-00031-00 to RTI International (RTI) to support development objectives of USAID Missions in the Central America and Mexico (CAM) region. This CA, awarded in January 2010 and covering a period of performance through September 2014, outlined a second-generation, alliance-building program that followed the Strategic Alliances for Social Investment Project (CA No. 520-A-00-04-0204-00) implemented by RTI from 2005 to 2010 in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. The new program encompassed the original Guatemala award, a buy-in from Nicaragua, and additional components in Guatemala for Post-Disaster Reconstruction and Small Grants.
The overall purpose of the Alianzas program in Guatemala was to extend coverage and improve the quality of existing services and incorporate state-of-the-art and proven approaches for increased social sector investments. RTI built alliances that 1) maximized impact of health and education programs; 2) were aligned with USAID and Government of Guatemala priorities; 3) added value; 4) ensured sustainability; and 5) promoted innovation. RTI played a key role as a broker between entities interested in financing social sector interventions and local implementers or service delivery organizations, negotiating geographic location and interventions to maximize the health and education benefits to the poor and other beneficiaries at the community level.
RTI shares its evidence-based research - through peer-reviewed publications and media - to ensure that it is accessible for others to build on, in line with our mission and scientific standards.