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Registered Apprenticeship Industry Intermediaries


To expand Registered Apprenticeship Programs in education and increase quality of and access to K–12 teacher preparation programs.


With Gateway Educational Partners, New America, TEACHMEducation Services, and WestEd, RTI International leads the Educator Registered Apprenticeship Intermediary, funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, to provide technical assistance to support the design and development of educator Registered Apprenticeship Programs.


Since 2023, RTI has engaged and supported partners in 39 states/territories and has already registered four K–12 Teacher Registered Apprenticeship Programs.

Improving access to teacher preparation programs and job opportunities

In fall 2022, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) began an effort to encourage affordable, high-quality pathways into the teaching profession by expanding Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) for educators. RAPs seek to reduce or eliminate obstacles for those who might be interested in pursuing a career in teaching.

RTI International—alongside partners Gateway Educational Partners, New America, TEACHMEducation Services, and WestEd—leads the Educator Registered Apprenticeship (ERA) Intermediary in the K–12 education sector. This ERA Intermediary provides technical assistance to support the development and implementation of educator RAPs. These programs support apprentice teachers by providing them the opportunity to earn teaching credentials through structured, on-the-job training with mentors, combined with supplemental education, while also compensating them for their time.

Providing access to educator preparation through Registered Apprenticeship programs

Expanding the number of qualified teacher applicants is critical to the success of schools and students. RAPs will provide greater access to teacher preparation and support for candidates in training. 

For example, college students in training to be teachers via student teaching traditionally have not been paid. Through RAPs, apprentices must be compensated for their on-the-job learning. This effort may ultimately improve retention, expand the pipeline, and increase diversity because it reduces the barrier of affordability for participants.

Developing a robust pipeline of teachers in K–12 education

The ERA Intermediary is improving the pipeline of teachers and staff by providing comprehensive and customized technical assistance to state and local education agencies, educator preparation programs, teacher unions and associations, and other partners that are trying to increase and diversify the teaching workforce. The goal is for teaching to become a more viable career path for all candidates, especially among underrepresented populations in apprenticeship, underserved communities, and underemployed workers.

The ERA Intermediary is achieving this goal by

  • conducting outreach and awareness activities, such as hosting monthly information sessions, managing a website, publishing resources, and presenting at conferences/meetings;
  • providing one-on-one coaching for entities that are interested in developing educator RAPs;
  • establishing role-based affinity groups made up of educational leaders from state agencies, local districts, teacher unions, and educator preparation programs to discuss specific issues affecting their programs and exchange ideas for solutions;
  • providing trainings on key topical areas;
  • hosting accelerators, which are intensive, in-person meetings for partners to design or scale RAPs across a state or region; and
  • assisting with the development of career fairs and recruitment activities by partnering with employers to plan events for target populations.

Expanding RAPs to create opportunities and strengthen student success 

Although the ERA Intermediary just launched in 2023, it is already supporting partners in 39 states/territories and helped register four new programs. The team anticipates beginning to register apprentices this year, with an emphasis on increasing diversity in the teacher applicant pipeline. For state education agencies and local districts, this will mean a better prepared and more diverse applicant pool, a solid mechanism for more effective recruitment and retention of teachers. For prospective teachers, it will mean a clearer pathway to the credentials they need, along with an “earn while you learn” model that minimizes their financial burden.