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Focus Areas

LGBTQIA+ Research

Designing and conducting inclusive research and developing resources to promote the wellbeing of the LGBTQIA+ community

The LGBTQIA+ community represents a diverse collection of voices, identities, and experiences that are often underrepresented in research. "Engaging LGBTQIA+ populations in research is vital to informing evidence-based policies that seek to disrupt systems of oppression and the disparities that accompany them" (Malo et al., 2023). At RTI, we aim to highlight these voices in our work through rigorous research, programs, and evaluation to improve the health, safety, educational, political, and socio-economic well-being of LGBTQIA+ communities around the world. Our experts have experience co-designing research methodologies with LGBTQIA+ communities, creating inclusive language guidelines that reflect accurate and up-to-date terminology, and delivering trainings on LGBTQIA+ equity. 

Past and current clients funding this work include national agencies like the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration. Examples of our work include:

  • Characterizing the well-being of LGBTQIA+ communities for policymakers 
  • Engaging LGBTQIA+ communities using community-based research methods to improve program implementation and development of evidence-based interventions 
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of LGBTQIA+ centered public health campaigns 
  • Preparing recommendations for inclusive language, programs, and research practices

Learn more about our efforts to highlight LGBTQIA+ voices in research

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