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Robin Wisniewski Heashot

Robin Wisniewski

Director of Education Systems Improvement


PhD, Curriculum & Instruction (Literacy), Psychology Equivalency (School and Clinical), Kent State University
EdS, School Psychology, Kent State University
MEd, School Psychology, Kent State University
BA, Psychology, Kent State University
BBA, Marketing, Kent State University

Dr. Robin Wisniewski is director of education systems improvement for RTI International. Currently, she leads two research grants funded by the U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences: Culturally Responsive Teaching for Student Equitable Achievement (CuRTSEA): A professional development program; Targeted Reading Instruction (TRI), Investigating long term teacher and student impacts. She also leads and advises on evaluations within the California Statewide System of Support (Special Education Resource Leads; 21st Century California State Leadership Academies; Statewide Evaluation Coherence and Communication), and provides leadership support for the Colorado READ Act Evaluation.

Dr. Wisniewski joined RTI in 2015. Previously, she was director of systems transformation at McREL International; director of a center for students with learning challenges at the University of Arizona; tenured associate processor in teacher education and higher education leadership, associate dean, director of the master’s program in reading and higher education leadership at Baldwin Wallace University; and administrator for counseling, reading, and academic success programs at Kent State University. Dr. Wisniewski has worked in multiple school districts, provided technical assistance to education and related agencies and colleges in 20 states and internationally, and taught 132 university course sections (e.g., teaching and learning, research, special education, reading, assessment, counseling, leadership).

Dr. Wisniewski is a licensed clinical psychologist and a nationally certified school psychologist. She is president of the Colorado Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) and a member of the National Association of School Psychologists and the Ohio Psychology Association.

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