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Dr. Aguima Frank Tankoano

Aguima Tankoano

Chief of Party


MD, General Practitioner, School of Medicine, University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
MPH, International Health and Development, Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine

Dr. Aguima Tankoano is a public health specialist with more than 30 years’ experience in managing complex international health programs with multicultural teams and assisting health care programs in West Africa, with special emphasis on health systems strengthening; operationalization of districts and health management teams for sexual and reproductive health; malaria; maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH); HIV/AIDS; sexually transmitted infections, and tuberculosis prevention and treatment.  

Dr. Tankoano currently is the Chief of Party of the USAID-funded Notre Santé (Our Health) project in Guinea, helping to expand access to affordable, quality health services for vulnerable Guineans. Dr. Tankoano has served as Chief of Party for multiple USAID and Global Fund projects that provided technical assistance for developing health policies, planning, budgeting annual plans, and initiating cost effectiveness interventions using quality improvement/quality assurance approaches to deliver quality care to populations in eight West African countries. 

Dr. Tankoano developed community-based family planning services and promoted its integration into MNCH services. His previous experience as District Health Officer in Burkina Faso provided in-depth understanding of HSS needs. He has good working relationships with authorities at different levels of public health systems, multilateral institutions, and international nongovernmental organizations.  

Dr. Tankoano is a Trained Improvement Advisor by the Institute for Health Care Improvement in 2009 and has attended many leadership trainings as well as training in management and strategic planning.

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