Oregon Measure 110 Research Symposium
Salem Convention Center
200 Commercial Street
Salem, OR 97301
United States
The first Oregon Measure 110 (M110) Research Symposium hosted by RTI International and supported by Arnold Ventures, was held on January 22, 2024, from 9:00am to 4:30pm PT at the Salem Convention Center in Salem, Oregon.
This symposium brought together researchers from Oregon (Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland State University, University of Oregon, Comagine Health, Oregon Health Authority) and national research teams (RTI International, University of Southern California, University of Michigan, Brown University, Network for Public Health Law) to share scientific data on M110 and other critical issues in Oregon with policymakers, journalists, community leaders, and members of the public.
Below are recordings of each panel from the symposium, as well as presentation slides.
Event Archive Information:
Welcome and Overview
- Alex H. Kral, PhD, Distinguished Fellow, RTI International
- Ricky Bluthenthal, PhD, Associate Dean, University of Southern California
Panel 1: Overdose Mortality
- Gillian Leichtling, Senior Director, Research and Evaluation, Comagine Health, Moderator
- Impact of Fentanyl on Overdose Mortality in Oregon before and after Measure 110, Alex H. Kral, PhD, RTI International
- One-year Association of Drug Possession Law Change with Fatal Drug Overdose in Oregon, Spruha Joshi, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology at University of Michigan
- Drug decriminalization, the introduction of fentanyl to drug markets, and fatal overdose in Oregon, Brandon Del Pozo, PhD, MPA, MA, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Health Services, Policy and Practice, Brown University
- Oregonians’ Experience of Overdose: How Risk is Shaped by Personal Characteristics, External Factors, and Naloxone, Morgan Godvin, Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission of Oregon and Northeastern University
Welcome and Panel 1 Presentation Recording
Panel 2: Substance Use Disorder Services
- Christi Hildebran, Vice President, Research and Evaluation, Comagine Health, Moderator
- Measure 110: One Year of Implementation, Kristen Donheffner, MPH, M110 Engagement and Strategy Manager, Health Systems Division, Oregon Health Authority
- Measure 110 Facilitated Expansion and Diversifying of Oregon’s Peer Recovery Workforce, Daniel Hoover, M.D., Assistant Professor, Section of Addiction Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, Oregon Health Sciences University
- What do Peers do? Responding to the needs of People Who Use Drugs in Oregon, Alexis Cooke, PhD, Senior Research Associate, Comagine Health
Panel 3: Housing, Harm Reduction, and Family Services
- Ricky Bluthenthal, University of Southern California, Moderator
- Disconnecting M110 and Homelessness, Marissa Zapata, PhD, Director, Homelessness Research and Action Collaborative, and Associate Professor in the Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University
- Homelessness and Housing Access Among People Who Use Drugs in Oregon in 2023: A Survey in 8 Counties, Esther Chung, PhD, Social Epidemiologist, RTI International
- Save Lives Oregon and Measure 110: Hope, healing & health through harm reduction, Judith Leahy, MPH, SOR Harm Reduction and Public Health Strategist, Health Systems Division, Oregon Health Authority
- Improving Pregnancy and Postpartum Outcomes for Oregonians with Substance Use Disorders: Evidence and M110 Implementation, Camille Cioffi, PhD, Assistant Professor, Prevention Science Institute and Center on Parenting and Opioids, University of Oregon
Panel 4: Law Enforcement
- Barrot Lambdin, Fellow, RTI International, Moderator
- Precursors to Measure 110: Oregon Drug Policy Trends, Kelsey Henderson, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Portland State University
- Changes in Arrests After Measure 110, Corey Davis, J.D., MSPH, Director, Harm Reduction Legal Project, Network for Public Health Law
- Trends in Calls for Service to the Police Before and After Measure 110, Sean Wire, MA, Public Health Analyst, RTI International
- Impact of Measure 110 on Law Enforcement and People Who Use Drugs in Oregon, Hope Smiley-McDonald, PhD, Senior Director, Center of Justice, RTI International
- Law Enforcement Encounters After Measure 110: Gaps in Decriminalization and Experiences of People Who Use Drugs, Danielle Good, PhD, Senior Research Associate, Comagine Health
Closing Remarks
- Alex H. Kral, PhD, Distinguished Fellow, RTI International
- Ricky Bluthenthal, PhD, Associate Dean, University of Southern California