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RTI Recognizes World Malaria Day 2019

More than 3 billion people in 109 countries are at risk of malaria. Although tremendous progress has been made in the past decade, an estimated 219 million cases of malaria and 435,000 deaths occurred in 2017; the disease remains a leading cause of death of children under 5 in sub-Saharan Africa.  Because of the significant morbidity and mortality that malaria causes, the disease contributes significantly to global poverty and underdevelopment.  

It is also preventable and treatable.

On World Malaria Day 2019, check out some insights and success stories from our contributions to the global effort to help countries achieve zero malaria.

Can better housing help us get to zero malaria?

  • A new study co-authored by RTI global health expert Donal Bisanzio documents the dramatic improvements in housing in sub-Saharan Africa. Improved housing can provide extra protection against mosquito-borne diseases like malaria. Read more.

On track for elimination in Thailand

Sustaining progress toward malaria elimination in Tanzania

  • Tanzania is a global success story in malaria prevention and control. However, malaria remains the leading communicable disease in the country. Building on the success of the USAID-supported Tanzania Vector Control Scale-up Project, the USAID Okoa Maisha Dhibiti Malaria (OMDM)—Save Lives, End Malaria program is working to move Tanzania closer to malaria elimination. Read more.

Building on a community-focused response to malaria in Guinea

  • The USAID-funded StopPalu+ program supports the Government of Guinea and local partners and communities to carry out mass distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets, provide seasonal malaria chemoprevention, manage malaria cases, and build government capacity in malaria diagnostics and treatment to sustainably reduce malaria morbidity and mortality. Read more.

RTI International is an independent, scientific research institute dedicated to improving the human condition. Our vision is to address the world's most critical problems with technical and science-based solutions in pursuit of a better future. Clients rely on us to answer questions that demand an objective and multidisciplinary approach—one that integrates expertise across social, statistical, data, and laboratory sciences, engineering, and other technical disciplines to solve the world’s most challenging problems. 

For more information, visit www.rti.org.