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Services and Capabilities

RTI GenOmics, Bioinformatics, and Translational Research Center

Finding solutions for those affected by special health care needs

The newest statistics show that approximately 10.2 million children in the U.S.—15 percent of all people under the age of 18—have special health care needs, and more than a fifth of U.S. households with children have at least one child with special needs.

With those odds, many families throughout the country struggle with finding solutions to the unique challenges associated with special health care needs. We understand those challenges and work to develop solutions related to:

  • Newborn screening policy and practice
  • Early intervention and family adaptation to disabilities
  • Ethical approaches to informed consent and decision-making

Our center is made up of experts working across many practice areas, including genetics, psychology, health communication, special education, and child assessment. We are a passionate group who positively impact the lives of infants, children, adults, and families living with disabilities.