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Search Results


Translational behavioral medicine for population and individual health: Gaps, opportunities, and vision for practice-based translational behavior change research

September 08, 2018

Principles for developing innovative HIV digital health interventions: The case of positive health check

September 01, 2018

A new era, new strategies: Education and communication strategies to manage greater access to genomic information

July 01, 2018

Evaluating parents' decisions about next-generation sequencing for their child in the NC NEXUS (North Carolina Newborn Exome Sequencing for Universal Screening) study: A randomized controlled trial protocol

June 28, 2018

A Latino patient-centered, evidence-based approach to diabetes prevention

May 11, 2018

HOMBRE: A randomized controlled trial to compare two approaches to weight loss for overweight and obese Latino men (Hombres con Opciones para Mejorar el Bienestar y bajar el Riesgo de Enfermedades cronicas, men with choices to improve well-being and decre

May 01, 2018

An evidence-based, community-engaged approach to develop an interactive deliberation tool for pediatric neuromuscular trials

April 01, 2018

Understanding treatment response to integrated behavior therapy for comorbid obesity and depression in primary care

April 01, 2018

Preliminary assessment of the virtual genetic counselor's office

April 01, 2018

Values clarification exercises improved parental decision making about newborn genomic sequencing

April 01, 2018

Using immersive virtual reality to study and change health-related behavior

April 01, 2018

Evaluation of promis sleep measures in ethnically diverse overweight or obese primary care patients with and without depression

April 01, 2018

Decision making in couples offered genomic sequencing for newborn screening: Outcomes of a surrogate, joint decision

April 01, 2018

Parental preferences toward genomic sequencing for non-medically actionable conditions in children: A discrete-choice experiment

February 01, 2018

The ENGAGE study: Integrating neuroimaging, virtual reality and smartphone sensing to understand self-regulation for managing depression and obesity in a precision medicine model

February 01, 2018

Heart disease risk information, encouragement, and physical activity among Mexican-origin couples: Self- or spouse-driven change?

February 01, 2018