Search Results
Centering racial health equity in systematic reviews paper 2: Themes from semi-structured interviews
October 22, 2024
RTI Press Publication
Bringing an equity-centered framework to research: Transforming the researcher, research content, and practice of research
January 27, 2023
Examining commonly used perceived and objective measures of fruit and vegetable access in low-income populations and their association with consumption
December 31, 2020
A cluster-randomized trial of a mobile produce market program in 12 communities in North Carolina: Program development, methods, and baseline characteristics
January 01, 2019
Cluster randomized controlled trial of a mobile market intervention to increase fruit and vegetable intake among adults in lower-income communities in North Carolina
January 05, 2018
Recruiting community partners for Veggie Van: Strategies and lessons learned from a mobile market intervention in North Carolina, 2012-2015
April 01, 2017
Cluster randomized trial of a church-based peer counselor and tailored newsletter intervention to promote colorectal cancer screening and physical activity among older African Americans
October 01, 2016
Redefining racial residential segregation and its association with physical activity among African Americans 50 years and older: A mixed methods approach
April 01, 2015
Redefining racial residential segregation and its association to physical activity among African Americans 50 years and older
April 01, 2015
An examination of sociodemographic, health, psychological factors, and fruit and vegetable consumption among overweight and obese U.S. veterans
November 01, 2011
A qualitative study to explore Prospect theory and message framing and diet and cancer prevention-related issues among African American adolescents
March 01, 2010
Correlates of dietary intake among men involved in the MAN for Health study
September 01, 2009
Understanding African-American men's perceptions of social determinants of health through Photovoice
April 01, 2009
Charting a path to location intelligence for STD control
January 01, 2009