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Janelle Armstrong-Brown

Janelle Armstrong-Brown

Senior Manager


PhD, Health Behavior and Health Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Global Public Health
MPH, Epidemiology, State University of New York at Albany
BA, Health and Society, University of Rochester


Janelle Armstrong-Brown is an expert in health behavior and program evalution. With more than 15 years of experience evaluating and implementing health intervention programs through applying a community-based participatory research approach. Her research examines the mechanisms by which social environmental factors, such as neighborhood resources, can impact health behaviors and subsequently health outcomes.

Dr. Armstrong-Brown currently leads and supports multiple projects funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Environmental Protection Agency Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA), and the Blue Cross Blue Shield North Carolina Foundation.

Dr. Armstrong-Brown joined RTI in 2015. Previously, she was an assistant professor at Elon University. She held positions at the New York State Department of Health, the Center for Public Health Preparedness at the State University of New York at Albany. She also completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Aging Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is a member of the American Evaluation Association.

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