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Objectives: The present investigation compares the strengths and limitations of two distinct analytic approaches to understand both incidence and severity patterns within individuals in relation to daily exposure to a wide spectrum of risk factors that included emotions, sleep qualities, environmental and weather, lifestyle, and diet. The two approaches used were Cox regression to define incidence and a form of hierarchical linear modeling to identify severity that is tailored for intensive withinperson analyses. These two analytic techniques were compared in terms of which risk factors were identified as possible ‘‘triggers’’ of migraine onset as opposed to being associated with severity of a migraine. Methods: Participants were 750 individuals with migraine identified by clinician referral or via the internet and registered to use a novel digital platform (Curelator HeadacheTM). Participants completed baseline questionnaires and then entered daily data on headache occurrence and severity (level of pain), ICHD-3beta migraine criteria, and exposure to 70 migraine risk factors. Nearly 88% of the sample was female. Risk factors spanned emotions, sleep qualities, environmental and weather, lifestyle, diet, substance use, travel, and three additional triggers selected by each patient. Cox regression analysis is models the binomial incidence of migraine attacks (versus no headache). Hazard ratios from Cox regression tested and computed strength of associations between occurrence of a migraine (binomial) and the triggers. These associations were re-tested for severity of migraine headache using mixed model trajectory analysis (MMTA), a form of hierarchical linear modeling analyses severity of migraine headaches (a continuum). MMTA statistically controlled for patient-specific time-related trends in pain severity, autocorrelation, and used statistical tests that generate conservative estimates for N ¼ 1 analyses. Results: Overall, a greater number of risk factors were associated with severity of migraine headaches (MMTA) than incidence of migraines (Cox regression). However, Cox regression also detected unique triggers that were associated only with incidence (not severity) of migraine attacks. Consistent with past evidence, the profile of risk factors that were associated with incidence and severity of migraines varied considerably among patients, demonstrating that comprehensive clinical research on migraines requires analytics at the N ¼ 1 level. Conclusion: Cox regression of migraine incidence and MMTA of migraine severity each provide unique insights regarding within-person patterns and correlates of migraine attacks. The power to detect associations may be greater for MMTA by virtue of the continuous pain severity outcome rather than the binomial outcome used in Cox regression. However, the fact that Cox regression detected unique risk factors for occurrence of migraine headaches suggests that different risk factors are associated with occurrence of migraine attacks versus severity of migraine pain