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Indicators of a balanced long-term service and support system
Examining the impact on individuals aging with a lifelong disability
Ruiz, S., Urdapilleta, O., Clark-Shirley, L. J., Howard, J., & Poey, J. (2012). Indicators of a balanced long-term service and support system: Examining the impact on individuals aging with a lifelong disability. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 55(2), 126-45. https://doi.org/10.1080/01634372.2011.641072
This article explores how rebalancing efforts can support the needs of individuals aging with a lifelong disability. The National Balancing Indicator project examined the overall long-term supports and services system (LTSS) progress in five indicators within the Sustainability, Coordination and Transparency, and Prevention principles toward a balanced LTSS system for those aging with a lifelong disability. In assessing state efforts to create a balanced participant-directed LTSS system with the National Balancing Indicators, the findings suggest states are better equipping the system to handle a burgeoning population of individuals aging with a lifelong disability, but more progress is still needed. Overall, states need to continue to create a seamless system that allows individuals with lifelong disabilities to transition smoothly through the life course.