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External Funding for Population Programs In Developing Countries, 1982-1985
Nortman, DL. (1988). External Funding for Population Programs In Developing Countries, 1982-1985. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 14(1), 2-8.
Ninety-three percent of the external assistance committed to population programs in developing countries comes from the public sector, either directly from the governments of 17 developed countries (92 percent) or indirectly through the United Nations' membership assessments (one percent). The private sector provides seven percent. Population assistance ranged from $407 million in 1982 to $513 million in 1985. Adjusted for inflation, population assistance has increased by an average of $2 million annually since 1971. The United States commits more than $200 million annually to population programs, approximately 60 percent of the total promised to developing countries. The next largest donor, Japan, provides 10 percent. However, when country contributions are evaluated according to portion of gross national product, the United States and Japan are sixth and ninth, respectively, among the 17 donor countries. Norway commits almost six times the average for all countries per million dollars of gross national product; Sweden, Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands also rank above the average. Only about one-third of population aid goes directly from developed countries to developing countries through bilateral programs; another third flows through United Nations agencies, and the remaining third is channeled through organizations in the private sector. Amounts actually disbursed to meet commitments over the four years ranged from $363 million to $483 million. The Asia and Pacific region has consistently received the largest amount, followed by Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. When the funding is calculated on a per capita basis, however, Latin America receives the most, followed by Africa, the Middle East and Asia