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Exploiting plant-microbe partnerships to improve biomass production and remediation
Weyens, N., van der Lelie, D., Taghavi, S., Newman, L., & Vangronsveld, J. (2009). Exploiting plant-microbe partnerships to improve biomass production and remediation. Trends in Biotechnology, 27(10), 591-598.
Although many plant-associated bacteria have beneficial effects on their host, their importance during plant growth and development is still underestimated. A better understanding of their plant growth-promoting mechanisms could be exploited for sustainable growth of food and feed crops, biomass for biofuel production and feedstocks for industrial processes. Such plant growth-promoting mechanisms might facilitate higher production of energy crops in a more sustainable manner, even on marginal land, and thus contribute to avoiding conflicts between food and energy production. Furthermore, because many bacteria show a natural capacity to cope with contaminants, they could be exploited to improve the efficiency of phytoremediation or to protect the food chain by reducing levels of agro-chemicals in food crops