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Clinical and economic burden of HER2-positive breast cancer recurrence in the US
A literature review
Masaquel, C., Hurley, D., Barnett, B., Krieger, T., Pearson, I., Copley-Merriman, C., Kaye, J. A., & Moy, B. (2018). Clinical and economic burden of HER2-positive breast cancer recurrence in the US: A literature review. Cancer Research, 78(4 Supplement), P3-10-14-P3-10-14. https://doi.org/10.1158/1538-7445.SABCS17-P3-10-14
Abstract P3-10-14 This search identified few studies on patients with early stage HER2+ BC and suggest that future studies are warranted. * After adjuvant therapy, the 10-year risk of recurrence can be up to 22%. The clinical and economic burden of early stage HER2+ BC remains substantial. * Recurrence in women with BC, regardless of HER2 status, is associated with high costs and a likelihood of decreased QOL. * Therefore, there is an unmet medical need in early stage HER2+ BC for new therapies that can reduce the risk of recurrence and the consequent clinical and economic burden of advanced disease. * Economic studies on the cost of recurrence should be conducted given the higher cost of recently approved HER2+ targeted therapies in the metastatic setting.