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Big Data and the Future of R&D Management: The rise of big data and big data analytics will have significant implications for R&D and innovation management in the next decade.
Blackburn, M., Alexander, J., Legan, J. D., & Klabjan, D. (2017). Big Data and the Future of R&D Management: The rise of big data and big data analytics will have significant implications for R&D and innovation management in the next decade.Research Technology Management Journal, 60(5), 43-51. https://doi.org/10.1080/08956308.2017.1348135
This study explores the concept of big data and whether, and to what extent, it might affect R&D management in the future. Through extensive discussions to dissect the nature of big data and to achieve a common understanding of what it represents, a research framework was constructed to analyze the impact of big data based on its potential to inform, enable, and transform or disrupt R&D management across four dimensions: strategy, people, technology, and process integration. A literature review, interviews with experts, and case studies of organizations using big data demonstrate that this phenomenon will have significant implications for R&D and innovation management, although the nature and extent of that impact is somewhat uneven among different industry sectors.