The Coaching Wheel
Before coaching begins, the coach must know how to meet the teacher’s needs. The coach must listen and focus on ways to empower the teacher through the coaching cycle process. There are times when coaches will find that they need tools to help focus a teacher on a specific goal for growth. Coaches must focus teachers in subtle and empowering ways to accomplish the following:
- Maintain trusting relationships
- Protect teacher autonomy
- Honor teach self-efficacy
The coaching wheel is a tool used in many approaches to coaching, including in sectors such as health and wellness, business, finance, and life coaching.
To learn more about the coaching wheel, read our Coaching Wheel: Improving Educator Practice brochure.
Check out the previous segments of the Coaching for Teacher Resilience during COVID-19 blog series:
Part 1: Burnout and Trauma
Part 2: The Power of Coaching
Part 3: Coaching for Resilience