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Pramod Bhatt

Pramod Bhatt

Senior Associate Director, Monitoring and Evaluation


Master of Planning, Specialization in Regional Planning, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi
MA, Applied Geography from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi


Pramod Bhatt oversees the expansion of the Programme Evaluation and Survey Research practice at RTI International India. He plays a key role in strengthening the partnership between India and the United States, working with a team of survey methodologists, scientists, statisticians, and programmers.

Throughout his career, Mr. Bhatt has gained extensive experience across all development sectors, including public health, education, rural development, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). He applies a multidisciplinary approach to research topics, creating suitable research designs minimize the complexities and provide robust solutions that use time and resources efficiently.

Mr. Bhatt has 19 years of experience conceptualizing and managing social research surveys, including deep knowledge of sampling design and advanced quantitative techniques. He has led and delivered many large-scale complex research studies/surveys, including establishment and web surveys for a range of clients. Some of his work was done for National AIDS Control Organization, Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, HPRIDC, World Bank, IFC, UNICEF, John Hopkins University, George Washington University, Princeton University, LIRNEasia, ICRIER, PSI International, Abt Associates, EngenderHealth, HCL Foundation, Tata Steel Rural Development Society, WESNET, EDCIL, Center for Good Governance.

He also led implementation of national flagships research evaluations / surveys such as National Dropout study for EDCIL, Comprehensive National Nutritional Survey for UNICEF, National Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance for the National AIDS Control Organization, Rating of Cities for the Ministry of Urban Development, Evaluation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) for the Ministry of Rural Development, Technology Adoption Survey for Facebook or Covid Impact Study for LIRNEasia/ICRIER, Religion Survey for Pew.

Mr. Bhatt is a member of the Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP), the Institute of Town Planners, India (ITPI), and the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). He is skilled in SPSS, Survey Solutions, Arc GIS, and Autocad.

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