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Michael Planty

Michael Planty

Senior Director, Justice Research


PhD (Concentrations in Justice, Law and Society; Public Administration; and Public Policy), American University
MSF, Forensic Science, George Washington University
BS, Biology/Secondary Science Education, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry/Syracuse University

Michael Planty is a Senior Director of justice research. Dr. Planty has led several projects for the U.S. Department of Justice and plays a key role in several ongoing studies related to school safety, incident-based crime statistics, the role of technology in the criminal justice system, and victimization. Before joining RTI in 2017, Dr. Planty served as deputy director at the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics, overseeing multiple national data-collection projects on victimization and law enforcement issues. He has employed both quantitative and qualitative methods in his research and has extensive experience designing studies, developing survey instruments, analyzing data, and disseminating findings. Dr. Planty has published and presented numerous research papers on a wide variety of topics.

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