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John Park

John Park

Senior Water Resources Engineer


PhD, Civil Engineering (Water Resources), University of California, Irvine
MS, Hydrology and Water Resources, University of Arizona
MS, Geological Sciences, Seoul National University
BS, Geological Sciences, Seoul National University


John Park, a member of the RTI Center for Water Resources, is an engineer and an expert in the underlying technologies behind modeling and forecasting systems. His work helps clients around the world assess safety risks, analyze water supply forecasts, and optimize their use of water resources.

Currently, Dr. Park is developing a regulated reservoir inflow forecasting system using machine learning methods. He is also working on automatic hydrologic model calibration using multi-objective search algorithms on several projects, including the NASA water supply forecasting project, New Brunswick Power Risk project, and the Tennessee Valley Authority reliability study.

Dr. Park joined RTI in 2016 with the acquisition of Riverside Technologies. Before joining Riverside, Dr. Park was a professor at the University of Wyoming. He conducted consumptive water use studies, and taught course in hydrology, hydraulics, optimization, and geographic information systems. While at the University of California, Irvine, he developed the California Inflow Forecast System, or CaliForecast.

Dr. Park is a skilled programmer who has worked with Fortran, C/C++, Java, MATLAB, Python and shell scripting. He holds an EIT certification and is a member of the American Geophysical Union and the American Society of Civil Engineers. He is fluent in Korean.

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