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Caryn Ward

Caryn Ward

Senior Research Education Analyst


PhD, School Psychology, NC State University
MA, Experimental Psychology, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
BA, Psychology, Bloomsbury University of Pennsylvania

Caryn Ward is a senior research analyst with more than 15 years of leadership in implementation and scaling of evidence-based practices in K-12 education. Dr. Ward has expertise in the field of implementation science and successfully applied the practices and principles to K-12 education as well as other fields, including early learning, child welfare, and public health. Dr. Ward served as the Principal Investigator and Director for federally funded national technical assistance centers and mixed methods experimental implementation studies.

Dr. Ward works on the following projects: 

  • Validation Study of RIVET Education’s Professional Learning Scoring and Evidence Guide
  • Research and Evaluation Partner for Network Improvement Community for Students with Disabilities

Prior to joining RTI in 2024, Dr. Ward served as the director of the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN) at UNC Chapel Hill. 

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