New program to expand access to essential quality health services through locally led solutions
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. — RTI International, a nonprofit research institute and leading international development organization, is partnering with Guinea’s Ministry of Health on a new five-year effort to catalyze sustainable improvements in the quality, accessibility, and affordability of health care in Guinea. With funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Guinea Local Health System Strengthening (GLHSS) Activity will improve health outcomes for Guineans, particularly women and children, by delivering equitable and integrated health services focused on malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health.
GLHSS will be the central pillar of USAID’s work to enhance health service delivery in Guinea, building on the country’s longstanding investments across malaria, family planning and sexual reproductive health, and maternal and child health. This activity also builds on successes under Guinea’s flagship U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative programs StopPalu and StopPalu+, which RTI led from 2013 through 2022.
“We are proud of the progress we have made over the past decade to strengthen Guinea’s health system and drive down malaria rates, and we are committed to continuing to work closely with USAID and the government of Guinea to improve health outcomes for Guineans,” said Hala AlMossawi, Vice President for Global Health at RTI. “GLHSS will continue to work toward a healthier, stronger, and more resilient Guinea.”
In close collaboration with Guinea’s Ministry of Health and local partners, USAID GLHSS will continue to expand access to essential quality health services by delivering a locally led, regionally tailored primary health care package, establishing health-enhancing social norms, strengthening democratic norms and processes, and improving the use of strategic information for decision-making. The effort will work across the three regions of Boké, Kindia, and Labé, and five communes of the capital city of Conakry, covering an estimated 50% of Guinea’s total population. The activity is expected to run from December 2022 through December 2027.
RTI has worked across sectors in Guinea for more than 30 years and is a global leader in health systems strengthening and malaria prevention, control and elimination, having partnered with USAID and more than 20 governments to reach more than 87.5 million people with malaria education, prevention and treatment. Under StopPalu and StopPalu+, RTI contributed to reducing malaria prevalence in Guinea from 44 percent to 17 percent between 2012 and 2022.
RTI’s partners on this activity include Guinean partners Centre Africain de Formation pour le Développement (CENAFOD) and Comité des Jeunes Mon Avenir D’abord (CJMAD), along with U.S. based organizations Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Program (CCP), Pathfinder, and Dimagi.

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