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Search Results


Prevention of opioid use and disorder among youth involved in the legal system: Innovation and implementation of four studies funded by the NIDA HEAL Initiative

October 01, 2023

Implementation of mandatory opioid prescribing limits in North Carolina: Healthcare administrator and prescriber perspectives

November 03, 2021

Resilience-informed community violence prevention and community organizing strategies for implementation: Protocol for a hybrid type 1 implementation-effectiveness trial

November 07, 2023

The cost-effectiveness of adapting and implementing a brief intervention to target frequent alcohol use among persons with HIV in Vietnam

July 01, 2021

Past-year prevalence of prescription opioid misuse among those 11 to 30 years of age in the United States: A systematic review and meta-analysis

June 01, 2017

“I refused to drink but they still forced me”: A mixed-methods approach to understanding the pathways to reduce alcohol use among Vietnamese people with HIV

May 01, 2022

Media representation, perception and stigmatisation of race, sexuality and HIV among young black gay and bisexual men

December 01, 2022

Implementation of two alcohol reduction interventions among persons with hazardous alcohol use who are living with HIV in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam: A micro-costing analysis

December 31, 2020

Building community in the HIV online intervention space: Lessons from the HealthMPowerment intervention

October 01, 2021

Web-based delivery of a family-based dating violence prevention program for youth who have been exposed to intimate partner violence: Protocol for an acceptability and feasibility study

August 05, 2022

Can alcohol policy prevent harms to women and children from men's alcohol consumption?: An overview of existing literature and suggested ways forward

September 01, 2023

Improving Screening Methods for Hepatitis C Among People Who Inject Drugs: Findings from the HepTLC Initiative, 2012-2014

May 12, 2016

Characteristics of persons who inject drugs and who witness opioid overdoses in Vietnam: A cross-sectional analysis to inform future overdose prevention programs

September 07, 2017

“Stay strong! keep ya head up! move on! it gets better!!!!”: Resilience processes in the healthMpowerment online intervention of young black gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men

August 23, 2018

“Cookbook medicine”: Exploring the impact of opioid prescribing limits legislation on clinical practice and patient experiences

June 01, 2023