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Web tables - Occupational and academic majors in postsecondary education
6-year education and employment outcomes, 2001 and 2009
Staklis, S., Ho, P., & Soldner, M. (2012). Web tables - Occupational and academic majors in postsecondary education: 6-year education and employment outcomes, 2001 and 2009. National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC. NCES Tables (National Center for Education Statistics) No. NCES 2012-256 https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2012/2012256.pdf
These Web Tables compare the 6-year education and labor force outcomes for beginning undergraduates who initially enrolled in postsecondary education in 1995-96 and 2003-04 by whether they majored in an academic or occupational field of study. The data are from two iterations of the Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS:96/01 and BPS:04/09). The first followed first-time undergraduates who began postsecondary education in 1995-96 until June 2001, and the second followed first-time undergraduates who began postsecondary education in 2003-04 until June 2009. Occupational fields in postsecondary education include a range of majors, including business and marketing and health sciences, and account for a majority of undergraduate postsecondary students.