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Luo, J., Wang, LY., Han, L., Maye, MM., Wang, JQ., Altman, EI., & Zhong, CJ. (2005). Synthesis of monolayer-capped GaAs nanoparticles. In S. Seal, MI. Baraton, C. Parrish, & N. Murayama (Eds.), Semiconductor Materials For Sensing (Vol. 828, pp. 271-276). Chinese Materials Research Society.
This paper reports the preliminary results of an investigation of the synthesis of monolayer-capped GaAs nanoparticles using different surface capping molecules. Our approach focuses on the surface encapsulation using alkanethiolates. The organic shell can effectively block the aggregation during nanoparticle synthesis, providing molecular-level control of the core-shell structure. The results have demonstrated the effect of surface alkanethiolate modification on the interparticle spatial properties and particle sizes, which upon further refinement could lead to the ability in controlling the size of GaAs nanoparticles.