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Impact of a web-based information and referral tool on access to federal and state programs for older adults
Napier, A., Rhodes, B., Khavjou, O., Knowles, M., Popham, L., Walsh, E. G., & Jones, J. M. (2023). Impact of a web-based information and referral tool on access to federal and state programs for older adults. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 35(3), 360-373. https://doi.org/10.1080/08959420.2021.1926206
Federal and state governments provide a plethora of benefits programs intended to help older Americans, but take-up rates for the programs is low. BenefitsCheckUp (R) is an online tool intended to increase enrollment in these programs. To evaluate the impact of this national online screening tool providing individualized benefit information, we conducted a web survey of individuals who screened potentially eligible for programs including Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid, Medicare Savings Programs, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and energy assistance. Thirty-six percent of those surveyed applied for at least one benefit at an annualized, estimated average value of $2,865, and 20.5% enrolled, representing about 7% of the approximately 2 million site visitors age 60+. These results indicate that an online screening tool is a promising strategy for increasing benefit take-up rates among older adults with the value of benefits received far exceeding investments.