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Impact of hurricanes, tropical storms, and coastal extratropical storms on indoor air VOC concentrations
Lutes, C., Buckley, G., Levy, L., Bronstein, K., Zimmerman, J. H., Williams, A. E., & Schumacher, B. (2024). Impact of hurricanes, tropical storms, and coastal extratropical storms on indoor air VOC concentrations. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 44(2), 101-117. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwmr.12642
Understanding vapor intrusion (VI) temporal variability is key for the design of sampling strategies intended to assess reasonable maximum exposure of indoor air concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as well as risk evaluation and mitigation planning. VI temporal variability has previously been shown to be dependent on the complex interactions of multiple independent variables—meteorological, hydrogeological, and human behavioral. Several meteorological variables, including barometric pressure, wind speed, and rainfall, are linked during tropical and extratropical storm events. High-frequency meteorological and indoor VOC data from a series of seven tropical storms and four extratropical storms were collected at a single industrial building with multiple heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) zones. The storms and sampling zones showed a variety of effects on trichloroethylene (TCE) concentrations in indoor air. In one zone (supply room), increases in TCE concentrations often, but not always, closely coincided with decreasing barometric pressure, sustained wind speeds over 32 km/h (20 mph), and differential pressures indicating subslab to indoor flow. A second zone, in a restroom, did not show a consistent pattern of temporal correlation between meteorological factors and indoor air concentrations. While peak indoor air concentrations may be associated with the passage of cyclonic storms at some sampling locations, this does not appear to be generalizable to all sampling locations. The observed increase in indoor air concentration potentially attributable to these storms is typically less than an order of magnitude and the duration ranges from a day to a week.
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