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Lab 58: Emerging Technology & Disruptive Innovation

Lab 58 is a corporate innovation lab operating inside RTI. The name, Lab 58, refers to RTI’s beginnings in 1958 as a founding organization in the Research Triangle and an agent of innovation in the area. In Lab 58, we’re exploring emerging and disruptive technologies with several objectives in mind:

  • How can RTI expand its impact by developing new and deeper relationships with partners and clients?

  • How can RTI provide our clients with faster, lower cost, and higher quality services?

  • How can RTI accelerate the development of new products and services aimed at existing and new markets?

At Lab 58, we’re looking for ideas and opportunities that could have a big impact on society, and we see partnerships as a key component of our strategy.

We welcome bold visionaries who are shaping the future. We’re eager to build partnerships with startup founders and corporate partners that push the boundaries of conventional wisdom and challenge the status quo.  

  • Sharing insights and brainstorming
  • Collaborating on product pilots and joint ventures
  • Exploring equity investments

Our current focus areas include AI/Machine Learning, Blockchain and Immersive Technologies.

Let’s work together to apply these emerging technologies to the most difficult challenges facing society.


Lab 58 Technology Research Brief: Photogrammetry Summary

Photogrammetry is “the science of making measurements from photographs”. Photogrammetry facilitates easy, fast, and inexpensive collection and analysis of highly accurate data from imagery, making it an essential tool for creating maps, 3D models, and the structural analysis of any site. Learn how Lab 58 uses photogrammetric technology to generate 3D models.

Lab 58 Market Research Brief: Facial Emotion Recognition

Facial Emotion Recognition is a subset of emotion detection, which includes facial expression recognition, biosensing software tools and apps, speech and voice recognition, and gesture and posture recognition. 

Work with Lab 58

We are happy to partner with companies, at all stages, to explore products and concepts that improve the human condition. Our partnership-based strategy combines long-term objectives with short-term experimentation and lean innovation management.

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