Leveraging Resources to Reduce Gun Violence in North Carolina
Firearm violence is the leading cause of death among North Carolina youth aged 1 to 17. In an average year in North Carolina, 1,470 people die and 3,530 are wounded by guns. Deaths and injuries due to gun violence cost North Carolina an estimated $19.5 billion annually. Most firearm deaths in the state are due to suicide (57%), and the gun suicide rate in rural counties is nearly twice that in urban areas. Although occurring in smaller numbers, firearm injuries and fatalities resulting from officer-involved shootings or mass shooting events also result in considerable negative repercussions to North Carolina communities and families.
Project Highlights
Collaboration with NC Organizations to Develop Recommendations Around the Use of Force Reporting
RTI collaborated with the NC Department of Justice and the NC State Bureau of Investigation to develop specifications and prototyping of a statewide use of force reporting platform. RTI surveyed existing best practices associated with standardized use of force reporting and dashboards, developed detailed criteria that define a reportable use of force incident, defined and documented use of force report data elements and data definitions, and developed a Prototype dashboard with recommendations that may be developed into a statewide use of force reporting system.
Evaluating Greensboro Community Connectors Program
RTI will evaluate a program in Greensboro, NC, funded under the Department of Justice’s Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI). The program builds upon Greensboro Police Department’s existing Community Connectors program, which emphasizes police and community resource partnerships including healthcare, education, employment, and reentry to address community needs and violence. Greensboro will expand the Community Connectors program, which is currently focused in one high crime neighborhood, into a second, similar neighborhood and will add a new programming component focused on individuals in those two neighborhoods who are at greatest risk for violence perpetration or victimization, including the use of credible messengers, intensive case management, trauma counseling, and connection to an array of needed services and resources.
Ashe County Student Safety Assessment and Response
RTI is partnering with Ashe County on Student Safety Assessment and Response. RTI is providing management, implementation support, and an evaluation of the Student Safety Assessment and Response project in Ashe County Schools. RTI is ensuring that it has adequate resources, including staffing, for the project activities.
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