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Taylor Metcalf

Taylor Metcalf

Research Environmental Scientist


MPH, Environmental Health Science and Policy, George Washington University
BS, Biology, Meredith College


Taylor Metcalf is a research environmental scientist on RTI’s environmental health and water quality team. Her primary focus is disseminating the results of lead-based paint and asbestos testing in facilities. The goal of Ms. Metcalf’s work is to raise awareness of the risks posed by exposure and help mitigate hazards through the implementation of post-testing processes. Currently, she is bringing her expertise to the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids™️ program.

Ms. Metcalf’s experience includes gathering and organizing information for exposure assessments as well as providing data analysis. She also designs studies aimed at monitoring indoor air quality and leverages her knowledge of standards and exposure limits to provide additional context to results. Examining policies to determine future environmental, health, and economic impacts for the built environments of vulnerable populations is another core area of her focus.

Prior to joining RTI, Ms. Metcalf was a safety and health specialist at Duke University Health System. She performed environmental and occupational exposure assessments to common and novel chemicals. She also served as a manager and senior laboratory analyst for an environment testing laboratory. And applied environmentally sustainable practices in both positions where possible.

As a National Science Foundation intern and researcher with the Center for Integrated Fungal Research, Ms. Metcalf studied pathogens, in the lab and in the field, that impact global food security, and the role of environmental microbiology as a climate change and public health issue.

In addition to her work, Ms. Metcalf is a Certified Safety Professional.

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