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Susan Brumbaugh

Susan Brumbaugh

Research Sociologist


BA, Sociology, University of Florida
MA, Sociology, University of California, Riverside
PhD, Sociology, University of California, Riverside
MA, Counseling and Educational Psychology, New Mexico State University

Susan Brumbaugh, Ph.D., performs research for the Center for Courts and Corrections in the division for Applied Justice Research. She has employed both quantitative and qualitative methods in her research and has extensive experience designing studies, developing survey instruments, analyzing data, disseminating findings, and providing evaluation-related technical assistance. Dr. Brumbaugh has worked on projects for the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), Department of Labor (DOL), National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). She is an expert in correctional institutions and inmate data collection, having held leadership roles in the Mortality in Correctional Institutions collection, the Census of Jails, the Census of Prisons, the Annual Survey of Jails, the National Inmate Survey, and oversaw the research approval process for the Survey of Prison Inmates. She is also experienced in diversion, probation, parole, and reentry.

Before joining RTI in 2002, Dr. Brumbaugh served as a senior research scientist at the Institute for Social Research, University of New Mexico, where she led multiple research projects and served as executive director of the New Mexico Sentencing Commission.

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