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Michele Dorsainvil

Michele Dorsainvil

Research Public Heath Analyst


MA, Health Education, Columbia University
BA, Psychology, New York University


Michele Dorsainvil is a research public health analyst at RTI, where she specializes in qualitative data collection, health communication, program design and implementation, and training design and implementation facilitation. She has conducted evaluations of programs focusing on HIV, sexual assault, and alcohol and drug use prevention. Ms. Dorsainvil conducts her work through qualitative interviews and focus groups, and she also develops communication material for digital and print platforms.

Since arriving to RTI in 2021, Ms. Dorsainvil’s projects include translating a previously existing curriculum developed for the U.S. Air Force to a web-based platform. The curriculum is six hours of classroom and tablet-based instruction for sexual assault prevention. The project lays the groundwork for future adaptation and integration of evidence-based, tailored sexual assault and alcohol misuse prevention in military settings.

Ms. Dorsainvil led a qualitative evaluation of the Adverse Community Experiences and Resilience (ACE|R) Project, a Hybrid Type 1 Implementation Effectiveness Trial aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of ACE|R as support for residents and organizations that are interested in community organizing as a strategy to reduce violence, and to support the goals of the Blueprint for Peace in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Ms. Dorsainvil was also a qualitative analyst for EBONI, a phase 4, randomized, open-label, three-arm study to evaluate implementation strategies for the delivery of Cabotegravir for HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) across clinical settings.

Ms. Dorsainvil serves as a training lead for the Family and Youth Services Bureau’s Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (APP) Sexual Risk Avoidance grantees. She also leads planning for the annual 2.5-day APP conference, which provides over 600 Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) and Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) grantees with on-site training, technical assistance, and networking opportunities designed to expand their capacity in providing youth with effective prevention education services. Ms. Dorsainvil also served as a Training and Technical Assistance Provider for the Addressing FGM/C Training and Technical Assistance Project (AFTTAP), which uses proven strategies for developing and delivering grantee-centric TTA to support grantees and serve survivors in the United States.

Before joining RTI, Ms. Dorsainvil was a capacity building assistance provider for the Centers for Disease and Control (CDC), where she provided technical assistance and delivered national training for reduction of HIV infection and improve outcomes for people living with HIV. Her role focused on the national expansion of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in HIV prevention, which happened shortly after its FDA approval. She was a training manager for New York City’s Department of Health, Bureau of HIV/AIDS. She also led implementation of new Ryan White health education and risk reduction service category funded by the Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA).

Ms. Dorsainvil has experience in higher education and is currently an adjunct professor at the University of Tennessee. Ms. Dorsainvil previously served as an adjunct faculty member for Winston-Salem State University and Long Island University, instructing courses on adolescent health and public health program planning. She is a certified health education specialist, e-learning specialist, and training director.

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