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Headshot of Jason Chute

Jason M. Chute

Senior Forensic Social Scientist


MS, Forensic Science/DNA Analysis, Marshall University
BS, Medical Technology, West Virginia University


Jason Chute is a senior forensic social scientist at RTI. As a member of the Forensics Training and Technical Assistance (Forensics TTA) project, Mr. Chute is the lead coach and forensic subject matter expert for the Postconviction Testing of DNA Evidence, Capacity Enhancement Backlog Reduction (CEBR) and Byrne Discretionary Community Project Funding programs. He is also involved in the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Training and Technical Assistance Program (SAKI TTA) project as a forensic DNA subject matter expert, providing site engagement and technical assistance to SAKI grantees. He collaborates with SAKI sites, serving as a resource in matters related to forensic DNA analysis, ensuring effective implementation, and supporting the criminal justice response to sexual assault cases.

As a former laboratory director and DNA technical leader, Mr. Chute has worked with over 100 jurisdictions nationally for forensic casework, DNA databasing, and technical case review. He supervised and managed the validation of emerging DNA technologies and methodologies for an accredited laboratory. Since 2000, he has processed DNA cases including sexual assault kits, vehicles, and crime scenes; performed analysis and administrative and technical review on thousands of forensic DNA cases; completed CODIS technical reviews of outsourced sexual assault DNA cases as a contract employee of various NDIS laboratories; and consulted and assisted with the extraction of over 60 cases for forensic genetic genealogy testing. Mr. Chute has been involved with the creation and review of legislative code for the state of West Virginia, including the designation of MUFSC as a criminal justice agency and implementing the non-report sexual assault kit process. He also supervised the forensic DNA training program, helping oversee and participate in training more than 1,000 national and international DNA analysts. As a Marshall University associate graduate faculty member, Mr. Chute has taught Forensic DNA analysis and Biochemistry coursework since 2007.

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