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Haley Hall

Haley Hall

Sustainability Coordinator


BS, Environmental Sciences, NC State University

Haley Hall is a sustainability coordinator at RTI. She supports RTI’s Global Real Estate team in planning and executing new and ongoing sustainability initiatives, particularly in the area of nature conservation and solid waste management. She manages the international communications of RTI Sustainability initiatives, as well as the coordination of engagement activates and events. Ms. Hall also assists in tracking environmental metrics to inform RTI’s ongoing Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability activities and reports. 

Currently, Ms. Halls supports the Implementing Main Campus Waste Centralization Program. She also works to expand the compost program collection points on RTI’s main campus, and she supports the design of new landscapes to include native plants for pollinators. 

Ms. Halls has completed many sustainability projects at RTI, including the design of new RTI-specific signage for waste streams on the main campus. She conducted an inventory of plants on the main campus and supported the recent RTI Apiary move and expansion. Ms. Halls has hosted “What Goes Where?” Waste Sorting/Diversion Event, and she has hosted RTI’s first international Earth Fair event. 

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