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Ginnie Hench

Ginnie Hench

Research Systems Analyst


PhD, Microbiology and Immunology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
BS, Cellular and Molecular Biology (Chemistry minor), University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
BA, Studio Art with Core Concentration in Biology, Macalester College


Virginia “Ginnie” Hench is a research systems programmer and analyst in RTI’s Bioinformatics and Computational Biology program. She has 20 years of combined experience working in the life sciences, as a visual designer, and as a programmer, spanning fields of bioinformatics, cellular and molecular biology, immunology, biological ontologies, web application development, and data visualization. As a scientific application developer, Dr. Hench designs and implements user workflows and data visualizations for a variety of organizations, from domestic and international government agencies to non-profits.  


Dr. Hench’s primary focus area is developing and applying the organizing principles behind the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) framework to develop customized web-based solutions that aid stakeholders in the AOP and chemical safety communities. She also participates in the community-based effort to evolve the AOP-Wiki data model to increase FAIRness principles and is leading efforts to improve the AOP-Wiki user experience. She is currently involved in an EPA-funded effort to advance the AOP Event Component concept to support automated evidence mapping strategies involving systematic literature review, natural language processing, and biological ontologies.

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