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Frida Pettersson | RTI

Frida Pettersson Lilja

Senior Energy Advisor


MS, Finance and Economic, School of Business and Commercial Law, University of Gothenburgh, Sweden


Frida Pettersson Lilja is a senior finance professional with over 15 years of experience in investment and finance advisory. She has spent the last 10 years living and working in Sub-Saharan Africa focusing mainly on clean tech investments.

In her current role as a senior Access to Finance Advisor under the USAID-funded Power Africa Empowering East and Central Africa (EECA) project, she leads technical advisory activities to both investors and companies with the aim to increase the amount of financing available to the off-grid sector. Activities include specific transactions advisory, develop and design financial product and services for the off-grid sector, as well as developing finance strategy and raising capital support for funds and off grid companies.

Prior to joining RTI, Ms. Pettersson worked as East Africa Director of a climate focused fund and as an independent advisor for early stage and growth equity investors. She is an experienced board member for renewable energy companies and currently serves as an independent investment committee member on climate fund.  

In her early career, Ms. Pettersson worked as a hedge fund analyst for North West Capital Partners in London and as portfolio manager for the SEB Group in Frankfurt am Main.  She holds a Master of Science in Finance and Economics from the School of Business and Commercial Law in Gothenburg, Sweden. 

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