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Eric Githinji RTI Expert Headshot

Eric Githinji

Associate Director, International Grants, Procurement & Subcontracts (iGAPS)


MBA, De Montfort University
Bachelor of Laws, University of London
CPA, Strathmore University


As Africa Team Lead, Eric Githinji provides leadership to the international grants, procurement and sub-contracts (iGAPS) team that provides support to all RTI projects throughout Africa. The iGAPS team ensures that staff at the projects have been sufficiently trained and are well resourced for effective project implementation.

Mr. Githinji is a certified public accountant with more than 25 years of experience in managing US federal acquisition and assistance type contracts. He is an expert in financial management, grants management and operational leadership gained working throughout Africa. He is a trainer of USAID rules and regulations and has helped build staff and institutional capacity in contracts and grants management. He is a key contributor of RTI locally led development initiative.

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