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Ally Lasu

Ally A. Ramadhan Lasu

Research Public Health Analyst


MPH, Public Health, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
B.D.S., Dental Surgery, Makerere University, Kampala (M.U.K.), Uganda

Ally A. Ramadhan Lasu has more than 10 years of public health experience providing technical and program leadership for public health projects in international settings. His career interests and experience span a wide spectrum of areas, including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence, maternal, child and neonatal health, capacity building for health, and key population programs. Dr. Lasu is skilled in resource mobilization, budgeting and costing, workshop facilitation and presentation, focus group moderation, and advocacy and social mobilization. His programmatic expertise lies in the areas of health and community development, monitoring and evaluation, poverty alleviation, and relief and development. Dr. Lasu has lived and worked extensively in East African countries, including Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and South Sudan and is proficient in Kiswahili, Luganda and Juba Arabic.

Currently, Dr. Lasu is Senior Technical Advisor for the Improving HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Services project in South Sudan, funded by the Naval Health Research Center’s (NHRC’s) Department of Defense HIV/AIDS Prevention Program (DHAPP). He provides coordination support to the RTI South Sudan-based field team and South Sudan military partners. He also provides technical support for implementing Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) services, expansion of ART service delivery, and HIV Testing Services (HTS) with a focus on high yield modalities (index testing and provider-initiated counseling and testing), HIV/TB service improvement, mentoring assistance and on-site support supervision as required.

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