Webinar: What About Us? Teacher Learning During COVID-19
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A great deal of discussion has occurred around student learning during the COVID-19 pandemic as school buildings have been closed and face-to-face instruction has been suspended in nearly every state. But what about educators? Educators are learners just like their students, and figuring out how they can continue to learn, grow, and sharpen their practice during times of emergency remote learning is paramount to the future success of students.
This webinar focuses on teacher learning during COVID-19. Panelist discussion will include how to improve teacher practice through coaching, reflection, and application of knowledge learned from online professional learning opportunities.
The discussion is introduced by RTI’s Laurie Baker and moderated by Allison Redden.
Our list of panelists include the following education experts:

Val Brown
Val Brown is a professional learning facilitator for an educational national non-profit and founder of #ClearTheAir, an online antiracist professional learning community. Previously, she worked at the University of Florida where she designed and facilitated professional learning for pre-service and in-service teachers. She earned master's degrees in multicultural education and educational leadership from Florida Atlantic University and the University of Central Florida. She is pursuing her doctorate in Teachers, School, and Society from the University of Florida.

Fredrica Nash
Fredrica Nash was a North Carolina Teaching Fellow, spending the early years of her career teaching science in Durham Public Schools and facilitating professional learning experiences for teachers on project-based learning (PBL) for the New Tech Network. Ms. Nash’s specialty is education coaching and she is the chief architect of the Coach Development program and Social Emotional Learning services offered by RTI. She has coached both new, veteran, and alternative entry teachers throughout her educational career, focusing on the development of instructional capacity. Her research interests include teacher agency and learning through professional learning, teacher effect on marginalized student learning with attention to equity and social justice, and program evaluation using a multi-method approach. She is currently working on her doctorate at George Washington University.

Tabari Wallace
Tabari Wallace is the 2018 Wells Fargo North Carolina Principal of the Year and principal of West Craven High School in Craven County. Wallace, a former math teacher at New Bern High School, has been called the “Drum Major” for the education profession, which bespeaks of his ability to build bridges for excellence in the field. An educator for 19 years, Wallace has successfully turned around the two schools he led prior to transitioning to West Craven High. Mr. Wallace is continuing his own growth in the educational field as a doctoral candidate and is in the final dissertation phase at East Carolina University.