Webinar: Assessing Student Learning Amidst Standardized Testing Changes
The U.S. Department of Education’s decision to proceed with spring assessments to help understand COVID’s impact on student learning, and the flexible options provided, have sparked many questions among education leaders. The department has proposed flexibility in Spring 2021 test administration, such as shortening the tests, offering tests remotely, or extending testing windows as long as practicable. The department has also offered waivers that exempt schools from a minimum requirement of 95 percent student participation in testing. During this webinar experts from RTI International and the SAS Institute will discuss the challenges and opportunities in implementing the flexibility that the US Department of Education has granted to states. We will also share lessons learned when a large number of students opt out of state assessments.
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Meet the Experts

Jeremy Anderson
Education Commission of the States
As the eighth president of Education Commission of the States, Jeremy leads a team of more than 55 education policy experts that serve policymakers in all 50 states through research, reports, convenings and counsel. Prior, Jeremy served many elected officials in Congress, governors' offices and state legislatures across the country. When he is not racing from airport to airport to serve state education policymakers, Jeremy enjoys running, mountain biking, skiing and time with his wife, son and two daughters. Jeremy truly believes that the best education policy happens when policymakers are able to learn from each other.

Dr. Angela Quick
Vice President, Education and Workforce Development
RTI International
Angela Quick has more than 16 years of experience in public school and district leadership, as well as six years of leadership at the state educational level. She has led state-level projects that involve the design and creation of curriculum and instruction methodologies, comprehensive assessment systems, and accountability models for public schools. Dr. Quick's research foci are science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) school design, coursework articulation, and recruitment of underrepresented populations in STEM programming. Prior to coming to RTI, Dr. Quick was a highly awarded teacher and principal, active in the development of school infrastructure, cross-community relationships, and curriculum reform.

Dr. Melody Schopp
Director of Education Industry Consulting
SAS Institute
Dr. Melody Schopp spent 24 years as a classroom teacher prior to entering the South Dakota Department of Education. She held numerous opportunities for a decade prior to her appointment as Secretary of Education by the Governor, a role she held from 2010-2017. Melody consulted for a number of education related organizations for three years prior to joining the SAS Institute in December 2020. She now directs the education industry consulting team which provides technical assistance to SEAs and LEAs across the country in measuring student growth using a myriad of assessments. Staying physically active, spending time with her family and dog, and hanging out with her granddaughter, Vivienne brings joy and energy to Melody’s life.