Make Public Perception Data Work for You: Collecting and Analyzing Social Media Data | RTI Tech Talk Webinar
To effectively monitor and respond to emerging issues, government health agencies need real-time, real-world data to inform their surveillance, evaluation, regulatory, and communication efforts. Social media platforms generate vast amounts of rich data that reflect the behaviors and perceptions of consumers, organizations, and industries. But with a constant stream of information from a cluttered media environment, where do you start? What signals should you pay attention to?
The Collecting and Analyzing Social Media Data webinar provided an overview of the types of data and insights that can be gathered from social media platforms, including consumer perceptions and use of products that impact public health and response to policies and key events. In addition, the presenters discussed how innovative data science methods can be applied to social media data to gain better insights on public health audiences.
During the webinar, attendees learned about the unique benefits of social media monitoring, including:
- providing data that answers key research questions about your audiences,
- capturing real-time reactions to current events in public health,
- producing quicker insights than traditional data collection methods, and
- the ability to incorporate it into your existing surveillance process.

Meet the Moderator
Jamie Guillory, PhD
Jamie Guillory is a Digital and Social Media Health Research Analyst and Program Manager at RTI International. Dr. Guillory has spent more than a decade researching the influence of digital and social media on emotions, social behavior, and health outcomes. Prior to joining RTI, she was the Research Director and Co-Founder of Prime Affect Research, a consulting company focused on public health research.

Meet the Presenters
Annice Kim, PhD
Annice Kim is a Senior Scientist and Director for Communication and Media Impact at RTI International. Dr. Kim leads interdisciplinary research teams to design and evaluate the impact of digital and social media health education campaigns for federal, state, and local health agencies on topics ranging from tobacco to opioids. She works closely with RTI data scientists to develop new methods that can inform health surveillance and regulatory policies in the digital age.

Robert Chew
Robert Chew is a Senior Research Data Scientist and Program Manager at RTI International. Mr. Chew leverages his expertise in machine learning, data visualization, software development, and computational social science to help federal agencies solve complex data problems. He has successfully integrated data science into projects across health care, criminal justice, public health, and the environment. Mr. Chew was recently named a Bureau of Labor Statistics Senior Research Fellow.
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