13th Annual RTI Internship Showcase

2021 RTI Internship Showcase Digital Program
This downloadable program includes a detailed agenda, with links to individual presentations.
The RTI University Collaboration Office will host the 13th Annual Internship Showcase on Friday, August 6, 2021, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. The celebration places interns centerstage, as they showcase internship projects and experiences. The RTI Internship Program is comprised of extremely talented high school, undergraduate and graduate students, including doctoral candidates, as well as recent degree recipients.
In addition to contributing to RTI’s mission to improve the human condition by turning knowledge into practice, through their project work, interns have made valuable contributions to the internship program by participating in virtual professional development workshops, developing presentations for the Internship Showcase, and proactively investing in RTI’s global intern community.
The Internship Showcase will feature LIVE lightning talks presented by the interns below. Register now to join the celebration. Attendees must select a breakout room during registration.
AGENDA Welcome Outstanding Mentor Awards Special Acknowledgements Internship Showcase Lightning Talks REGISTER HERELIGHTNING TALK BREAKOUT ROOMS
Breakout Room One
Internship Focus Areas: Technology Solutions, and Data Science
Ayubi Kokayi, Junior Software Engineering Intern, GTS, Durham Tech
Caleb Kornfein, Data Science Intern, SSES, Duke
Corshonda Johnson, Project Management Intern, GTS, East Carolina
Emily Caprioglio, Governance, Risk and Compliance Intern, GTS, UNC-Chapel Hill
Breakout Room Two
Internship Focus Areas: Finance, Communications, and Instructional Design
Adrienne Nip, Instructional Design Intern, IDG, NC State
Deyana Williams, Financial Analyst Intern, SSES, NC Central (Co-Presenter)
Nolan Kessel, Financial Analyst Intern, SSES, NC State (Co-Presenter)
Megan Suggs, CFO Transformation Office Communications Intern, CFO, UNC-Chapel Hill
Gillian Pearson, Financial Analyst Intern, SSES, UNC Greensboro (Co-Presenter)
Jake Walker, Financial Analyst Intern, SSES, NC State (Co-Presenter)
Breakout Room Three
Internship Focus Areas: Criminal Justice and Public Safety, Survey Research, Pharmacology, Chemistry, and Facilities and Engineering
Aaron Williams, Pharmacology Intern, DS, Clemson (Co-Presenter)
Rubi Runton, Pharmacology Intern, DS, Georgia Tech (Co-Presenter)
Jaden Jules, Criminal Justice and Public Safety Intern, SSES, Vanderbilt
Jiaxi (Jacy) Li, International Survey Research Intern, SSES, University of Michigan
Daniel Mogollon, Chemistry Intern, TAC, Campbell (Co-Presenter)
Landon Evans, Chemistry Intern, TAC, Wake Forest (Co-Presenter)
Jeremy Abcug, Sustainability Intern, COO, Duke
Breakout Room Four
Internship Focus Areas: Economics, Energy, and Air Quality
Victoria Chbane, Environmental Economics Intern, SSES, University of Florida
Jessica Xu, Economic and Solar Energy Intern, SSES, Oregon State
Brianna Chan, Air Quality & Health Intern, TAC, UNC-Chapel Hill
Acelynn Barefoot, Food and Agriculture Economic Intern, SSES, UNC-Chapel Hill
Breakout Room Five
Internship Focus Areas: Global Health Research, International Development, and Bioinformatics and Translational Research
Chelsea Ducille, Maternal and Child Health: Global Health Intern, SSES, UNC-Chapel Hill
Maggie Rothenberg, Health Research Analyst Intern, SSES, UNC-Chapel Hill
Shirley Li, East Africa Energy Program Impact Intern, IDG, Duke
Luz Robinson, Semear Zika Project Intern, SSES, UNC-Chapel Hill
- CFO – Corporate Finance Office
- COO – Chief Operating Office
- DS – Discovery Sciences
- GTS – Global Technology Solutions
- IDG – International Development Group
- SSES – Social, Statistical and Environmental Sciences
- TAC - Technology Advancement & Commercialization