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Search Results

Showing results 1 to 20 of 350.


Becoming family-centered: Strategies for self-evaluation

January 01, 1994
News Release

Rare Disease Leaders Announce Collaboration to Modernize Newborn Screening

September 23, 2020

Critical issues underlying research and intervention with families of young handicapped children

October 01, 1984

The Krabbe conundrum-How are benefits and harms weighed to determine the net benefit of screening?

October 01, 2023

Matching changes in preschool environments to desired changes in child behavior

January 01, 1983

Design and evaluation of a decision aid for inviting parents to participate in a Fragile X newborn screening pilot study

February 01, 2013

Autistic behavior in children with fragile X syndrome: prevalence, stability, and the impact of FMRP

September 01, 2006

The blurred distinction between treatable and untreatable conditions in newborn screening

January 01, 2009

Issues and directions in preparing professionals to work with young handicapped children and their families

January 01, 1989

Scaling and attainment of goals in family-focused early intervention

February 01, 1991

Medication utilization for targeted symptoms in children and adults with fragile X syndrome - U.S. survey

January 01, 2012

Executive functions in young males fragile X syndrome in comparison to mental age-matched with controls: Baseline findings from a longitudinal study

January 01, 2008

Awareness, use, and satisfaction with services for Latino parents of young children with disabilities

March 01, 1999
News Release

What are the health and developmental impacts of babies affected by congenital Zika syndrome?

October 04, 2017
RTI In The Media

Genetic defect causing fragile X-related disorders more common than thought

December 26, 2012 - Web Newswire
RTI In The Media

Study Gives Parents Early Answers

March 10, 2020 - WRAL

Are critical periods critical for early childhood education? The role of timing in early childhood pedagogy

January 01, 2002

Working Together with Children and Families: Case Studies in Early Intervention

January 01, 1993

Working memory subsystems and task complexity in young males with fragile X syndrome

January 01, 2011

Models of acculturation and health behaviors among Latino immigrants to the US

January 01, 2001